My path to therapy was not a career change but a vocational calling. Through my journey living overseas, leaving a decade-long career, and surviving multiple major health crises, I developed a deep connection to my intuition and spirituality. I am passionate about tending to the mind-body-soul connection. I build on this connection through art and poetry, mindfulness and meditation practices, reiki and sound healing, and physical movement. I am an empath, a highly sensitive person (HSP), and an intuitive medium––which makes me highly attuned to energetics. My practice is rooted in a holistic approach focused on getting you back into alignment with the highest Truth of who you are.
I am obtaining a Masters in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family therapy from Pacifica Graduate Institute. I graduate in May 2025. I have worked in community mental health clinics with children and families who have been victims of domestic violence and abuse. I gained extensive training and experience in crisis intervention and providing trauma-informed care. I have worked with children, adolescents, and adults struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and various other mental health conditions, as well as people seeking a deeper understanding of themselves. I specialize in working with artists, empaths, and highly sensitive individuals.
I am trained to work with victims of intimate partner violence and individuals experiencing trauma-related symptoms. I have extensive training in depth-oriented psychotherapy, including modern Jungian and psychodynamic approaches. I am trained in Walk Intuit’s Equine Therapy and enjoy collaborating with these powerful animals. I am continually learning and incorporating somatic experiencing into my practice. I receive ongoing mentorship for my intuitive mediumship, working with ancestors, guides, and spirit helpers in my clinical work. I am Reiki Level II certified and am comfortable working with crystals, energy, and essential oils for chakra healing.
Walk Intuit Inc.
27128a Paseo Espada #1522, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675, United States
Join Toby and Henry for Poetry Out Loud. Connect on zoom from 5-7 every 2nd and 4th Friday. Share your own poetry, share someone else's poetry, come to listen and hold space for others as the share. Speak your truth, be heard, rise up and share, hold a sacred space, join community, connect, and inspire and be inspired! Meeting ID: 84493682553 Passcode: 204900 Suggested Donation: $10-$25 Venmo: @walk-intuit